Highly customizable check box ,radio buttons for your Web development

iCheck is a highly stylish jquery customizable check box and radio buttons for developing a good website or blogs.Icheck is verified to work in different browsers such as Internet Explorer version 6+, Firefox version 2+, Opera version 9+, Google Chrome and Safari browsers.should works in different other mobile browsers like UC Webs ,opera min,android browsers,ios browsers etc.


  • iCheck  Suppoer differnt platforms like mobile and desktops 
  • Touch device supprts
  • Size is too small about 1 KB
  • Multi customizable check box and radio buttons about 32 styles
  • 11 call back to handling events 
  • Keyboard accessible inputs and more features
Icheck plugin is licensed under MIT License. so we can use icheck plugin free for personal and commercial purposes
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Jishnu Chandran

.net Developer with Web skills from previous work, and a taste for Developing web apps.

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